Pedro Perez y Tierz
L'autore della realizzazione scrive:
"Hi Antonio & Co,
The valves are now largely above de 80h of use, probably 130h. So, yesterday, as I couldn't hear more sound quality improvements at all, it was time to swap the Mundorf Aluminium Oil output caps for the Audyn True Copper Max!
With the Evo Alu/oil, the sound was (once valve break-in done) very good, deep going and a bit too present bass (under 40Hz), mids were excellent with great detail and awesome 3D, also very musical. Highs were not at the same level, not that they didn't sound good, no, they had a great lack of "air", as I told you earlier.
Now, the Audyn's also need some hours to come to their best, first 3-5h they sounded indeed more "open" but also somewhat clinical. After that they began to sing as I was expecting. At this moment they have be running for 15h or so, the last 5 ones they showed so much sound quality that I had to tell you my observations.
At this level, I can't imagine there will be much more improvements with a pricier cap, this will only be a minor one, let's say another "flavor". The lack of "air" is totally gone away. The Alu cap had in comparison a "romantic" character, this be replaced with a ultra-realistic sound rendition. My English is very limited to describe this. My system sounds extremely lifelike. My speakers are Magnepan 1.7i, modified the way they are not used with a passive crossover, frequency separation is done with a first order PLLXO filter, this is a crucial upgrade, this speakers are like labo instruments, they sound so right. They are feeded by a "DIY" 6-channel Australian Holton Precision Audio Class AB Mosfet amplifier. Transformer is 1000VA custom made. This amp came with Solen 1uF input caps and sounded like crap, until I swaped them out for Rike Audio S-Cap. Caps are very essential, I've had other tube preamps, changing for better always resulted in more open airy sound, say lifelike.
What had to be my last preamp, a Coincident Line Statement, has the reputation being one, if not the best, of the "affordable" ultra Hi-End valve preamplifiers. It has indeed the best sound I had ever heard even compared to a Lamm or even a Audio Note, the best of a valve preamp without any coloration. I was expecting your Faraday Gold to come close to my Coincident, maybe with some coloration, and it was, with the Alu caps. With the Audyn True Copper Max, it does everything better than my Coincident ! I was thinking of better amps, now I know how extraordinary they can sound ! The Faraday Gold with Hi-End caps has such a rich sound, explosive dynamics, extremely fine details, I can't think there ever can be something with a more realistic sound. Soundstage is big, really 3D. As audiophile, I love music, of course, but I love all sounds, it has not to be music... Your preamp can reproduce perfectly the sound of water flowing out a faucet, the wind in the trees, someone knocking at a wooden door... Every material, is it metal, ceramic, liquid, sand under the shoes, a diesel motor... all sound so real, even sibilance sounds so natural, organic. Even micro details have micro details, and their own obvious dynamics.
In less words, this preamp has the most realistic sound I've ever heard from a preamp (with or without valves). It's an exceptional product, and as it is better than my Hi-End one, it surely merits to be qualified as Ultra Hi-End. So Congratulations to Mister, Master Antonio Pompei.
In attachment some pics. Yes, it is not luxury chassis, it just some black painted Trespa with a white Plexiglas front panel, it's totally ESD but not electromagnetic shielding. However, I've just a very little bit hum at 30cm from my speaker. I'm still looking for a better chassis. At least I can enjoy it till than...
Gracie mile!
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